Protecting the reputations and livelihoods of Tennessee’s occupational therapists.
Occupational therapists put in long hours preparing for licensure. Education, training, and strict evaluations before graduation all factor into that preparation. Since Tennessee’s Board of Occupational Therapy maintains stringent requirements for those who want to pursue a license to practice occupational therapy, it’s an uphill climb for even the best-prepared. If you’re an occupational therapist who has become the target of a complaint from an unhappy patient, you need an experienced professional license defense attorney that will fight for you against unfounded claims. Attorney Michal Durakiewicz has a wealth of experience defending Tennessee occupational therapists – and can help you defend your good name. To learn what he can do for you, contact his office today!
Schedule a free initial consultation with Durak Law Firm online or at (629) 210-0866 to learn more about your next steps.
What Types Of Allegations Might I Face?
Occupational therapists must maintain rigorous professional standards in their practice, especially since they work with vulnerable patients struggling to recover from injury or other impairments, achieve self-reliance, and lead a more independent life. Situations that might give rise to an investigation that could result in a loss of licensure might include being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while treating patients, committing fraud, incompetence, negligence, false or misleading advertising, failure to maintain infection control standards, releasing confidential information, patient abuse, or conviction for a crime closely related to their practice. If you face any of these allegations or have another concern, don’t wait to retain legal counsel. Get in touch with the Durak Law Firm now!
If I Lose My Case, What Consequences Could I Face?
The consequences for not refuting the claims against you depend on the allegations themselves. If the state board proves that you have committed a major violation that could prove dangerous to your patients, such as treating a patient while under the influence, it could suspend your license unless you prove the allegations false. However, most allegations require a hearing, with the consequences ranging from losing your license to lesser punishments, such as license suspension for a specific period, treatment for substance abuse, a probationary period, fines, or undergoing further training. When you face allegations for even the most minor violation, it’s imperative that you have experienced legal counsel. Attorney Durakiewicz has that experience – and will fight for you. Discover what he can do for you during your initial consultation. Book yours today!
Let a relentless and experienced attorney protect you and your professional license.
Call (629) 210-0866 or contact Durak Law Firm online to schedule a free consultation.