Franklin Professional License Defense Lawyer For Nurses

Helping frontline healthcare workers fight for their legal rights.

Are You A Nurse Practitioner Facing A Licensure Issue?

You’ve trained for years as a nurse practitioner to take a more significant role in your career as a healer. Now, someone has filed a complaint against you, and you face an investigation by the Tennessee Board of Nursing. You need a lawyer with the knowledge and experience that can help you refute the allegations against you. Attorney Michal Durakiewicz knows the ins and outs of the healthcare profession and the standards that govern nursing licensure — and can help you fight for your right to practice your craft. No matter how helpless you might feel, you can be confident that he will put all his experience and knowledge of the law to defend you rigorously against whatever you face. Discover how Attorney Durakiewicz can help during your initial consultation. Book yours today!

Schedule a free initial consultation with Durak Law Firm online or at (629) 210-0866 to learn more about your next steps.

What Types Of Situations Can Trigger A Disciplinary Proceeding?

The Tennessee Board of Nursing maintains strict requirements for licensing and disciplining nurse practitioners. For that reason, your nursing license could fall into jeopardy if you face accusations of fraud or dishonesty in your practice, mishandling patient records or information, violating an order from the state board, patient neglect, inadequate training, performing improper procedures or techniques, substance abuse, or other unprofessional conduct. No matter what allegations you face, your best option is to retain a license defense lawyer early in the proceeding for a better chance that the board will dismiss the claims. To get started, contact the Durak Law Firm now.

What Happens During A Nurse Practitioner Disciplinary Proceeding?

The Tennessee Board of Nursing initiates an investigation if someone has lodged a complaint about you or if they receive information about an arrest or conviction for an offense that would affect your ability to practice. Should an investigation proceed, the board will notify you. At that point, you need to immediately retain representation by an experienced nursing licensure defense lawyer before you respond to the notification. Attorney Durakiewicz will research all the facts in your case and prepare a solid defense designed to refute the other side’s case and prevent damage to your career. With his advice and legal experience, you never have to face the proceeding alone. Feel confident he will do everything in his power to pursue a favorable outcome. If you’re facing a disciplinary proceeding or any other licensure issue, learn what Attorney Durakiewicz can do for you. Get in touch with our office to know more.

Let a relentless and experienced attorney protect you and your professional license.

Call (629) 210-0866 or contact Durak Law Firm online to schedule a free consultation.